As part of my Keeping it Real campaign, I asked my students to share what yoga is to them. In this blog post, I’ll be revealing what they said!
Something for everyone
One thing that’s really struck me over the years of teaching yoga is the different reasons people have for practicing yoga. What I love is that real yoga meets you where you are and gives you just what you need. Whether that’s stress relief, fitness or something else entirely, yoga has a little something for all of us.
I wanted to show all these unique reasons for coming to yoga through my Keeping it Real campaign. My hope was that seeing this might inspire more people to give it a go and find their personal yoga ‘why’.

Ask and you shall receive!
So, I decided to ask my fantastic students what real yoga is to them. My intention was to share these answers with the wider world when the time was right. Over the span of a couple of months, at the start of each yoga session, they were invited to complete a simple statement: ‘Yoga is…’
I have to say, I asked without expectation – but my lovely yoga community well and truly delivered! I was so pleased to have over 50 ‘Yoga is…’ statements to read through by the end of the campaign.
If I’m honest, I was expecting some variety in the responses I received. But what blew me away is that not one statement is the same as another. Each one is as unique as the wonderful person that wrote it. What made me particularly emotional as I read through the responses though, was the important role that yoga plays in so many of my student’s life. Statements like ‘Yoga is: a sanctuary, energising, self-care, grounding, judgement-free’ really warm my heart. It’s a genuine honour to create a space where people can come and get something so powerful out of our time together.
For me, yoga is…
Before I share my student’s statements with you, I thought it was only fair that I answered the question myself! So, here we go…
To me, yoga is community.
I’ve always said that I wouldn’t have a business without the people that have taught, supported and practiced with me over the years. So, to each and every one of you – a heartfelt thank you and namaste.

Find your yoga ‘why’
Yoga really is for all of us. If you’re interested in giving it a go, take a look at my class schedule or video library. The yoga door is always open to you.
What yoga means to my students