Halifax Yoga classes at St Judes Church & Dean Clough

Chair yoga: Real yoga for every body

Chair yoga: Real yoga for every body

A few months ago, one of my regular yoga students approached me about delivering some yoga sessions at her place of work. The lovely Cath is a warden at Waterhouse & Mackintosh Homes, and she was interested in what I might be able to deliver for the residents there.

Waterhouse & Mackintosh Homes is a local charity that provides almshouses to 60+ year olds who live within Calderdale or who have a strong connection to the area. It’s a really special place and, if you live in Halifax, most of us have known someone who has lived there at one time or another, so I was excited to get involved! 

An inclusive practice

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I’m a big advocate of yoga being for everybody and every body – and the residents of Waterhouse & Mackintosh Homes are no exception!

To make the class as accessible for everyone, I decided to teach chair yoga. This practice allows participants to stay seated while taking part in yoga, so it is particularly useful for older adults or people with certain disabilities and health conditions. Another great thing about chair yoga is that you can do it to your own level. Class attendees can still experience the benefits of a yoga practice but can easily adapt the poses to suit their needs.

The residents I’m working with are such a fabulous group and have really embraced the chair yoga practices. Here’s what, warden, Cath, and resident, Pam, had to say:

“Our residents are really enjoying the chair yoga sessions and find that they are helping with relaxation, as well as mobility. Older adults are also at an increased risk of loneliness and social isolation so it’s a great way to get our residents together too!”


“I enjoy getting to know people and chair yoga is another way of meeting the other residents. It also helps me get rid of kinks in muscles I didn’t even know I had. Yoga is so different to anything I ever expected but I’m so glad that I gave it a try.”

Pam, 76

Yoga and you

Chair yoga is just one example of how yoga can be modified so that anyone can take part. So often, people ask me if you must be super fit and flexible to take part in a yoga class and, honestly, the answer is no! Real yoga can be done by everybody, no matter your age, body type or level of ability, with just a few small adjustments.

If you are new to yoga and want to learn more about how yoga could work for you, you are always welcome to get in touch

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