Hello and happy February! As I write this, shards of light are streaming through into the room – reminding me that the light is getting ever and ever more, bringing that sense of hope and reminding me that Spring is nudging ever-nearer. Enjoy this transition, take it in, breathe deeply and enjoy these glimpses of light and hope, as they sprinkle in here and there.
Whilst it’s lovely to celebrate and get a little giddy for Spring, it’s also important to be with what is right now. And right now we are in Winter, and we are invited to continue to slow down, replenish, restore and renew from within – I see it as a time a self-preparation, building your energy reserves for the active period ahead. This involves letting go of the dead wood, releasing what feels heavy, and resting my friend, resting when you need to. A good friend of mine within our Yoga community reminded me of this with a beautiful excerpt from Donna Ashworth, here it is:
WINTERING – By Donna Ashworth
‘You may think yourself lazy, or flawed. Yet your body is made of almost exactly the same elements as the stars. Your bone composition matches the coral in the seas and you, my friend, are ruled by the moon and the sun. Whether you like it or not. So no, you are not lazy, Nature is simply pulling you to slow, like the life, the floral and fauna around you. It is not your moment to rise. It is winter, you are wintering. And you are right on time’.
Come along and enjoy wintering with me at yoga this week…
Held at the lovely St Judes Church Hall, freeschool lane, Halifax – Book on HERE
With great respect and love, Adele x